Defibrillator Training

Many thanks to Lynn and Melanie from St John Scotland training 35 people over 3 sessions in CPR techniques and how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on 13th July 2019.

The defibrillator was purchased via generous donation from the Marshall family, grant received from St John Scotland, donations from Muirhead Birkhill and Liff Community Council, Fowlis Easter Hall Committee and Hall User Groups.

The ongoing checks and maintenance for the defibrillator unit will be undertaken by a Guardian Group comprising of 8 local residents and chaired by Liz Speedie.

Around 70 people each week in Scotland will have a sudden cardiac arrest, but currently, only around one in 12 will survive. By starting CPR as quickly as possible, and using a defibrillator where one is available, survival rates increase significantly.

The defibrillator can only be accessed by contacting the Ambulance Service in the case of an emergency.

The Guardian Group will be running further CPR & Defibrillator Training Sessions when it is safe to do so, if you would like to be notified about these courses please forward your details by email to


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